I am a “high-risk” person. Over age 65 with underlying health issues. Therefore I am pretty much staying in and avoiding exposure to others during this COVID-19 siege. I am also an extrovert and I’m sorely missing socialization! In a sense, I am grieving for the life as I knew it before the Virus.
One of the things that I miss the most is going out to eat. Almost always, Steve and I go out to eat with another couple or a small group. One couple likes to try new restaurants and thus make eating out an adventure. Another couple rotates the favorite restaurants and we each have our comfort foods at those familiar restaurants. The group friends mix it up, sometimes tried and true restaurants, sometimes a new one. Eating out was something that I always looked forward to!
Attending church is also something that I take pleasure in. Here in Indiana, churches are currently closed due to the threat. Virtual church is the next best thing, but still not the same. Going to the grocery store is something I enjoyed. It was always delightful to find the things that were on sale. Or things that remind me of a dish that I haven’t had in a while, so I would purchase them to make that forgotten dish. That too, is put on hold.
And I know that when we are finally released from the grips of the virus, life will never be the same. I will be concerned when I find myself in a crowded space. I will worry when I am having to touch things that others have touched such as door handles, ink pens when signing a credit card receipt. Will I ever go back to hugging someone again?
I usually associate grief with the death of someone. Today, my grief extends to that former life without fear.