We would like to thank our donors for their generous contributions, both monetary and in-kind contributions of time and talent to Lisa's Legacy. We would not be able to fulfill our mission without your support.
Peace ($1000+)
3 Rivers Federal Credit Union
Mike and Barb Ellis
Ann and Steve Filler
Laura Filler
Sharon Filler in honor of David Filler
Holland Junior Welfare League
Junior League of Fort Wayne
John and Tracie Martin
Carolyn Stich
Barbara Hill
Compassion ($500 - $999)
Steve and Laura Ellinwood
The Bir children in honor of Herman and Teresa Bir
John and Tracie Martin
Tom and Kathy Rinehold
Serenity ($100 - $499)
Lee Adang
Pat Adsit
Anonymous donor
Bob and Karrie Bishop
Bob and Karrie Bishop Foundation
Brian Army and David Craker
CLN Financial
Ann and Tino Corral
Phil Darling
Farrington Specialty Centers
Bill and Betty Deans
Gordon Filler
Roy and Mary Gilliam
Nicole Griswold
Holland Junior Welfare League
Laura Kinner
Julie Kurtz
Chris and Sarah Lamb
Jim and Martha Lankeet
Law office of Kenneth A. Puzycki
Vern and Janis Mitchell
Tom and Cathy Monroe
The Mulherin Family in honor of Deborah Cochran Mulherin
Northeast Indiana Association of Health Underwriters
Susan Olson
Annette and Ron Pettigrew
Peter Pickus
The Pickus Family
Dr. Kenneth and Ardie Pinkerton
Dr. Mark Pinkerton
Jenny Sanders
Ann Seyboldt
Charles F. Seyboldt
Matt and Cammy Sutter
Gerald and Judith Witte
Hope ($10 - $99)
Cynthia Baier (in memory of Jim Mott and Terry Baier)
Barb and Dan Bickel
Mary Bir
William Bjork
Al and Janis Bohnstedt
Susie Brown
Jane Colby
Dick and Deborah Conklin
Ann Corral
Barb Duch
Charles Ellinwood
Roger Eversole
Susyn and Mark GiaQuinta
The David Grim Family
Janet Heffley
Robinson and Lindsey Hicks
Louise Jackson
Dick and Mary Jentgen
Linda and Gary Kerr
Jane and Noel Kimmel
Chris, Emilee & Casey King
Jim and Diane Lasley
Vera Maze
Beth and David Myers
Kathy Parker
Ron and Annette Pettigrew
Peter S, Pickus
Mary Popovich
Megan and Scott Potter
Eric and Kim Reibersal
Jean Reifenberg
Mike and Judy Reifenberg
Nancy Reitenour
Becky Schaffer
Nancy Shriner
Anonymous donor
Sherri and Gary Sible
Dee Smith
Dennis and Joni Sutton
Rolland and Cathy Taylor
Jane and Mike Tobias
Gordon Walter
Neal Wissman
Jean Wells
Naomi Williams