The other day, a friend was telling me how she used to dread Mother’s Day. She was a young mother with two children under the age of 5---a four year old and a 13 month old. She was also divorced shortly after the birth of their second child. Her parents lived in another state. On Mother’s Day, there was no one there to acknowledge or celebrate the special day. That blue feeling continued for several more years until her first child was attending pre-school where he made handprints in clay to hang on their wall. He was old enough to say “Happy Mother’s Day” when he presented it to her.
I’m also guessing that on the other end of the spectrum, there are probably elderly mothers who have grown children living far away. In those cases the day may be acknowledged with a phone call or Zoom from distant family, but leaving many hours in the rest of the day for alone time.
Please go out of your way to offer kind words of praise to mothers, young and old, who might need to hear compassionate words. Ask them to tell you about their feelings as a mother. Reminisce about their own mother. Look at pictures if they’re available. Perhaps a small gift or card would brighten their day.
Even if you are having a family gathering, please reach out to a mother who might not have that good fortune. Give support and care to a mother on this Mother’s Day.